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Passionate and playful fantasy tango folk from cool Finland



“The tremendous Johanna Juhola made my jaw hit the floor and my imagine run wild in her remarkable Imaginary Friends concert!”

”Johanna Juhola is one of Finland’s most artistically ambitious crafters of contemporary folk music.”

”Refreshing, different, magical, young, pearl of world music.”

"Very well crafted, captivating and stylish. World-class stuff!"

"Johanna Juhola is the new tango queen of Schweinfurt."

“Johanna Juhola & Imaginary Friends was rock solid. Musically, visually, and artistically it was perhaps the best concert I’ve ever seen on the Kapsäkki stage.”


Click HERE for more reviews!  

Find a short biography HERE and a full bio HERE.      Download printable photos HERE.

Johanna Juhola & Imaginary Friends

Johanna Juhola (accordion, compositions)
Teemu Korpipää (sound design)
Valo Virtanen (light and visual design)

A strongly visual concert with solo accordion creating musical stories and soundscapes together with fellow musicians and sound sources on video screens.

Watch Johanna Juhola & Imaginary Friends compilation video HERE.

Watch the (almost) whole concert with Johanna telling stories behind the compositions HERE.                    

Read the full band bio and reviews HERE.

More photos HERE.


Johanna Juhola Reaktori

Johanna Juhola (accordion, compositions)
Oona Sinkko (piano, harmonium, vocals)
Sara Puljula (double bass, vocals)
Juuso Hannukainen (electronic rhythms and samples)

Four highly-skilled musicians transcend style and genre limitations creating an eclectic blend of Argentinian and Finnish tango, electronica, ruminative Nordic roots and cheekily eccentric pop.

Watch Johanna Juhola Reaktori: Road Assistance - music video HERE and Three Rounds of Tango -music video HERE.

Watch Johanna Juhola Reaktori: Live UK tour video HERE.

Read the full band bio and reviews HERE.

Download press photo HERE.

Johanna Juhola Trio

Johanna Juhola (accordion)
Roope Aarnio (guitar, vocals)
Teemu Korpipää (sound design, samples)

Textures of jazz, classical and folk are blended into Johanna's multifaceted tango-nuevo inventions, illustrating instrumental stories full of spontaneous and sometimes surreal flights of fantasy.

Watch Johanna Juhola Trio: Road Assistance music video HERE and Four Minute Love Story video HERE.

Read the full band bio and reviews HERE.

Download press photo HERE.

Selected solo albums

Download print quality CD cover photo HERE.

JOHANNA JUHOLA: A Brighter Future

NN178, 2023

Download print quality CD cover photo HERE.JOHANNA JUHOLA: Diivan jäljet - Shadow of a DivaJJCD003, 2017Listen to the album on SPOTIFY.Watch the music video Road Assistance HERE and Three Rounds of Tango HERE.

Download print quality CD cover photo HERE.

JOHANNA JUHOLA: Diivan jäljet - Shadow of a Diva

JJCD003, 2017

Listen to the album on SPOTIFY.

Watch the music video Road Assistance HERE and Three Rounds of Tango HERE.

Download print quality CD cover photo HERE.JOHANNA JUHOLA: Fantasiatango 2JJCD002, 2012Listen to the album on SPOTIFY.Watch the music video Olavi HERE, Bipolär Tango HERE and Mummot HERE.

Download print quality CD cover photo HERE.

JOHANNA JUHOLA: Fantasiatango 2

JJCD002, 2012

Listen to the album on SPOTIFY.

Watch the music video Olavi HERE, Bipolär Tango HERE and Mummot HERE.

Download print quality CD cover photo HERE.JOHANNA JUHOLA: FantasiatangoTEXCD106, 2010Listen to the album on SPOTIFY.

Download print quality CD cover photo HERE.

JOHANNA JUHOLA: Fantasiatango

TEXCD106, 2010

Listen to the album on SPOTIFY.

Find the full discography HERE.


Johanna Juhola
+358 50 5478272

Management Germany, Switzerland and Austria
Anja Hövelmann / Laviola Music,
+49 341 2158548

Management Finland and other countries
Minna-Mari Roms
+358 50 4135013